Patriot's Name:

Pvt Andrew M. Krippner
Military Branch:
United States Army
Killed In Action
Additional Military Info:
Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
Ride Captain:
Mike "Gunner" Lambert; (817) 368-9076;
Ride Captain #2:
Floyd "1st Shirt" Kammerer; (817) 690-6475;
Ride Captain #3:
Dewey "Diehard" Dyer; 214-316-8730;
Ride Captain #4:
Larry "Rev. DT" Key ; (940) 536-7596;
The Patriot Guard Riders will be honoring Army Pvt. Andrew
M. Krippner, 20, Garland, Texas; assigned to 2nd Battalion,
27th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th
Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; died May 23,
in Kunar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when
enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive
device. This will be a four part mission to show Respect
and Honor to this American Hero.
Special Request:
Andrew's mother and father have requested that friends, family, and PGR that are present at the services, please wear RED in honor of their son.
The Krippner family has made it very clear to us that this request is very important to them.
If you don't have a red shirt, please take the opportunity today or tomorrow to follow through on this request.
Thank You for your Cooperation
Visitation, Concordia Lutheran Church, Garland, TX
Mission Date:
Staging Time:
4:15 PM
Briefing Time:
4:30 PM
In Position Time Or KSU:
4:45 PM
Details Of Part 1:
We will stand Tall and Silent in a flag line to show our
support for the family and friends who come to show their
respects to this fallen soldier. Visitation hours will be
from 5 to 8 pm. We will stand the flag line from 5 pm to 7
Staging Address For Part 1:
Concordia Lutheran Church 5702 N. Jupiter Road
Garland, Texas 75044
Map To Staging Area For Part 1:
Water Truck For Part 1:
- The Flag/Water Truck WILL Be There.
Funeral Service, Messiah Lutheran Church, Plano, Texas and
Mission Date:
Staging Time:
11:00 AM
Briefing Time:
11:15 AM
In Position Time Or KSU:
11:30 AM
Details Of Part 2:
The Patriot Will stand a flag line to show Honor and Respect
to the family and friends who attend the funeral service for
Pvt. Krippner. Once the service has started we will position
the bikes for the escort to DFW National Cemetery.
Due to
the possibility of UIG's, all riders are encouraged to
attend. Riders who are unable to attend the service
please go directly to DFW National for Interment staging
area set up.
Staging Address For Part 2
Messiah Lutheran Church 1801 West Plano Pkwy Plano,
Texas 75075
Map To Staging Area For Part 2:
Water Truck For Part 2:
- The Flag/Water Truck WILL Be There.
Mission Date For Part 3:
Staging Time:
2:00 PM
Briefing Time:
2:15 PM
In Position Time Or KSU:
2:30 PM
Details Of Part 3:
We will set up the flag line at shelter B. Due to the
expected large showing, the flag line will be set up outside
the shelter wall to allow friends and visitors access to the
area. The flag line will not be closed when the service is
Staging Address For Part 3:
Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery 2700 Mountain Creek
Pkwy Dallas, Texas
Map To Staging Area For Part 3:
Water Truck For Part 3:
- The Flag/Water Truck WILL Be There.
- Iron horses if you can, cages are always welcome and
- Safety First: Please remember to properly hydrate
(including the night before) before any outdoor activity and
to dress appropriately. Do not hesitate to take a break at
any time if you feel you need to get in the shade or get
indoors and always ask for help at any time. Also please do
not forget your sun screen.
- Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and
silent, and with honor and respect for this patriot and
their family.
- We will park along the main street close to the
designated shelter with 2 bikes side by side as close to the
curb and each other as possible so that traffic can get by.
Let's always remember to keep the motorcycle and voice
noise to a minimum when arriving and leaving the shelters.
Due to the expected large showing it is recommended you
arrive at DFW National early and park on the lower road. The
area near the shelter will be coned off to allow parking for
bikes in the procession.
All Ride Captains in attendance
at each mission part will be utilized.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Mike Lambert
Deputy State Captain
Listing On National WEB Site:
VIEW This Mission On The National PGR WEB Site